Transparency in Coverage

Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )

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Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Budget & Pay for Anticipated Expenses
Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )

Pay for Expenses with an FSA

FSA Options & Eligibility

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are a convenient way to budget and pay anticipated expenses pretax. Bloomin’ Brands offers you two types of FSAs, administered by Wex:

  • Healthcare FSA: For eligible healthcare expenses for you and your dependents.
  • Dependent Care FSA: For eligible dependent day care expenses.

If you enroll in a Bloomin’ Benefits HSA medical plan, the Healthcare FSA is not available to you. Instead, you can contribute to your Health Savings Account (HSA).

Account Highlights

Healthcare FSA Overview

The Healthcare FSA is a way to pay for healthcare expenses for you and your tax dependents, including dependents who are not enrolled in your Bloomin’ Brands medical plan.

Use the Healthcare FSA to pay for:

  • Medical, dental, and vision deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
  • Qualified health expenses not covered by your health plan, such as Lasik eye surgery.

For more details, refer to Wex’s Healthcare FSA Information Sheet.

Annual contribution$130 minimum
$3,050 maximum
$130 minimum
$3,200 maximum
For services incurredJan. 1 - Dec. 31Jan. 1 - Dec. 31
Claims must be received byMarch 31 of the following yearMarch 31 of the following year
Unused fundsForfeitedForfeited

Dependent Care FSA Overview

The Dependent Care FSA enables you to pay with pre-tax dollars for daycare expenses for your children and mentally or physically disabled dependents of any age.

Use the Dependent Care FSA to pay for:

  • Babysitters or companions, including relatives over age 19 whom you do not claim as tax exemptions who care for your dependents so you can work.
  • Education expenses, such as nursery school for children not yet in kindergarten.
  • Daycare expenses for children under 13.

For more details, refer to Wex’s Dependent Care FSA Information Sheet.

Annual contribution$130 min; $5,000 max per household (or $2,500 if you’re married and file separate federal tax returns)
For services incurredJan. 1 - Dec. 31
Claims must be received byMarch 31 of the following year
Unused fundsForfeited

For a complete list of FSA-eligible healthcare and dependent care expenses, review Wex’s eligible expenses chart linked below.


Using Your FSA Benefits Debit Card

Use your Wex Benefits debit card to pay for eligible services and products. Payments are automatically withdrawn from your account, so there are fewer out-of-pocket costs, and no waiting for reimbursement.

Out-of-Pocket Expense Reimbursements

Submit a request for reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses where your Wex Benefits debit card was not used. For more details, refer to the Claim Form.

All claims incurred during the time you are eligible in that calendar year must be submitted for reimbursement no later than March 31. For example, if you were eligible for the entire year, from Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, you would have until March 31 of the following year to make sure you have submitted to Wex all prior year claims for reimbursement.

Required Documentation

To show that expenses incurred are eligible, the IRS requires certain purchases made with an FSA to be substantiated.

Be sure to provide substantiation to Wex for any claims you submit to them or use your FSA debit card throughout the year to prove your claim was an eligible expense as defined by the IRS. If you do not provide substantiation, Bloomin’ Brands will be required to deduct the unsubstantiated claim amount from a future paycheck on a post-tax basis.

  • Not every claim will require substantiation.
  • Review Wex’s Employee FSA Guide for details on what purchases require documentation, and how to submit.
  • In addition to more traditional claim submission options (mail and fax), you can enter your claim online and via the Wex Discovery Benefits mobile app available for Apple and Android devices.

If you still have questions, read through Wex’s Substantiation FAQs.

Use-It-or-Lose-It Rule

Don’t forget to spend your FSA dollars. You will forfeit any money left in your account if you have not used all of your FSA dollars before a) the end of the plan year on Dec. 31, b) the date you are no longer eligible for benefits, and/or c) your last day of employment; whichever comes first.

Wex Benefits

Wex Benefits

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) & COBRA Continuation Coverage

Contact Information

Available Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT.

Phone: 1-866-451-3399
Fax: 1-866-451-3245

Quick Links


Get the Most From Your Vision Benefits
Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )
Heads up! This information reflects the current 2024 plan year, which ends Dec. 31.

Vision Coverage

Plan Highlights

The vision plan includes coverage for vision exams, eyeglass frames, and lenses (including contacts). Coverage is best when you use a provider in the vision network.

  • You enroll in vision separately from medical coverage and dental coverage.
  • Coverage is offered through VSP to help pay for routine vision services and supplies.
  • When you use a VSP network provider, you will pay less than if you use a provider not in the VSP network.

Plan Overview

Coverage FeatureIn NetworkOut of Network
Eye exam
(once every calendar year)
Covered 100% after $15 copayUp to $35 allowance
Eyeglass lenses
(once every calendar year)
Single visionCovered 100% after $15 copayUp to $25 allowance
Lined bifocalCovered 100% after $15 copayUp to $40 allowance
Lined trifocalCovered 100% after $15 copayUp to $55 allowance
Eyeglass frames
(every other calendar year)
Up to $130 allowanceUp to $45 allowance
Contact lenses
(once every calendar year, in lieu of eyeglass lenses and frames)
Up to $130 allowanceUp to $105 allowance
Progressive lens enhancements
Up to $50 - $160Up to $40 allowance
Other lens enhancements
(Coatings, Tinting, Polycarbonate, etc.)
Filing a claimYour VSP provider will submit your claim for youYou pay upfront and are reimbursed after filing your claim

Biweekly Rates

Team Member only$2.21
Team Member and spouse$4.41
Team Member and child(ren)$4.73
Team Member and spouse and child(ren)$7.56
VSP Vison Care

VSP Vision Care


Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-877-7195

Quick Links

Vision Coverage

Plan Information

The vision plan includes coverage for vision exams, eyeglass frames, and lenses (including contacts). Coverage is best when you use a provider in the vision network.

  • You enroll in vision separately from medical coverage and dental coverage.
  • Coverage is offered through VSP to help pay for routine vision services and supplies.
  • When you use a VSP network provider, you will pay less than if you use a provider not in the VSP network.

Vision Plan Overview

In-Network CoverageOut-of-Network Coverage
Eye exam
(once every calendar year)
Covered 100% after $15 copayUp to $35 allowance
Eyeglass lenses
(once every calendar year)
Covered 100% after $15 copaySingle vision: Up to $25 allowance

Lined bifocal: Up to $40 allowance

Lined trifocal: Up to $55 allowance
Eyeglass frames
(every other calendar year)
Up to $180 allowanceUp to $45 allowance
Contact lenses
(once every calendar year, in lieu of eyeglass lenses and frames)
Up to $130 allowanceUp to $105 allowance
Filing a claimYour VSP provider will submit your claim for youYou pay upfront and are reimbursed after filing your claim

Dental Plan Costs Per Paycheck

You + Spouse$4.41
You + Child(ren)$4.73

Helpful Resources

VSP Vison Care

VSP Vision Care


Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-877-7195

Quick Links

Dental Coverage

Keep Your Pearly Whites Bright with Dental Coverage
Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )
Heads up! This information reflects the current 2024 plan year, which ends Dec. 31.

Dental Insurance Plans

Bloomin’ Brands offers two dental coverage options administered by Cigna: the DPPO and the DHMO. Review the plan information below to decide which coverage is best for you.

For a detailed list of services and charges under the Cigna DHMO plan, refer to the Patient Charge Schedule.

Key Differences Between the DPPO & DHMO

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DeductibleA low deductibleNo deductible
Out-of-Network CoverageCovers out-of-network servicesDoes not cover out-of-network services
CopaysYou pay a percentage of the cost for basic and major careYou pay a fixed copay for basic and major care
Benefit MaximumAnnual benefit maximumNo annual benefit maximum
Preventative CarePreventive care covered 100% in Cigna networkPreventive care covered 100% in Cigna network
What You PayHigher paycheck contributionsLower paycheck contributions
Your ProviderDesignated primary dentist is not requiredYou must select a primary dentist to coordinate benefits

Plan Comparison & Rates

For a detailed list of services and charges under the Cigna DHMO plan, refer to the Patient Charge Schedule.

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

Coverage FeatureDPPO
In Network
Out of Network
Deductible per calendar year
Per individual$50$100$0
Family maximum$150$300$0
Preventive care
(exams, cleanings)
Plan pays 100%Plan pays 80% of MRC*Plan pays 100%
Basic care
(fillings, extractions, root canals, and denture repairs)
Plan pays 80% after deductiblePlan pays 50% of MRC* after deductibleRefer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Major care
(bridges, crowns, dentures)
Plan pays 50% after deductiblePlan pays 40% of MRC* after deductibleRefer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Benefit maximum per calendar year$1,500 per person** (combined in- and out-of-network coverage)No benefit maximum
(available for dependent children under age 19)
Plan pays 50% (no deductible required)Refer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Lifetime maximum orthodontia benefit maximum$1,000 per person (combined in- and out-of-network coverage)No benefit maximum
Coverage for pediatric dentistNo age limitEligible until age 13

*Cigna’s Maximum Reimbursable Charge (MRC) is based on the 90th percentile, which means that 9 out of 10 dentists’ fees (for the same service in the same geographical area) are within Cigna’s MRC. If your provider charges more than Cigna’s MRC, you are responsible for paying the difference.

**If you were enrolled in the Bloomin’ Brands DPPO dental plan and received preventive care in a prior year, your annual maximum benefit will increase to $1,750 for the following year. Each of your covered dependents must also obtain preventive care to receive an increase in their own annual maximum benefit. When you or your dependents remain enrolled in the DPPO dental plan and continue to receive preventive care, the annual maximum benefit will continue to increase the following year, up to a maximum of $2,000.

The Cigna Dental Oral Health Integration Program offers additional dental care for employees who are being treated by a physician for certain illnesses and are enrolled in either of BBI’s Dental plans (DPPO or DHMO).

Biweekly Rates

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Team Member only$12.91$6.84
Team Member and spouse$27.11$12.39
Team Member and child(ren)$23.21$18.77
Team Member and spouse and child(ren)$37.45$25.98

Once you’ve enrolled in a dental plan, you’ll want to register for myCigna so that you can access your plan details, manage claims, and review treatment estimates.

Get the myCigna App

The myCigna app is available for Apple and Android devices. With the app, you can:

  • View digital ID cards for you and your enrolled dependents.
  • Find a dental provider in the Cigna network.
  • Find out if you’ve met your deductible.
  • Determine how much of your dental benefits you have used for the current plan year.

Helpful Resources




Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-244-6224

Quick Links
Heads up! This information reflects the new 2025 plan year, which begins Jan. 1.

Dental Insurance Plans

Bloomin’ Brands offers two dental coverage options administered by Cigna: the DPPO and the DHMO. Review the plan information below to decide which coverage is best for you.

For a detailed list of services and charges under the Cigna DHMO plan, refer to the Patient Charge Schedule.

Dental Plan Coverage Comparison

(In-Network Only)
Calendar-year deductible (per individual)$50$100$0
Calendar-year deductible (family maximum)$150$300$0
Preventive care
(exams, cleanings)
Plan pays 100%Plan pays 80%Plan pays 100%
Basic care
(fillings, extractions, root canals, and denture repairs)
Plan pays 80% after deductiblePlan pays 50% after deductibleRefer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Major care
(bridges, crowns, dentures)
Plan pays 50% after deductiblePlan pays 40% after deductibleRefer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Benefit maximum (per calendar year)$1,500 per person — first year (combined in-network and out-of-network
$1,500 per person — first year (combined in-network and out-of-network
No benefit maximum
(available for dependent children under age 19)
Plan pays 50% (no deductible required)Plan pays 50% (no deductible required)Refer to your Patient Charge Schedule for costs and covered services
Lifetime orthodontia (benefit maximum)$1,500 per person (combined in-network and out-of-network
$1,500 per person (combined in-network and out-of-network
No benefit maximum
*Cigna’s Maximum Reimbursable Charge (MRC) is based on the 90th percentile, which means that 9 out of 10 dentists’ fees (for the same service in the same geographical area) are within Cigna’s MRC. If your provider charges more than Cigna’s MRC, you are responsible for paying the difference.

**If you were enrolled in the Bloomin’ Brands DPPO dental plan and received preventive care in a prior year, your annual maximum benefit will increase to $1,750 for the following year. Each of your covered dependents must also obtain preventive care to receive an increase in their own annual maximum benefit. When you or your dependents remain enrolled in the DPPO dental plan and continue to receive preventive care, the annual maximum benefit will continue to increase the following year, up to a maximum of $2,000.

The Cigna Dental Oral Health Integration Program offers additional dental care for employees who are being treated by a physician for certain illnesses and are enrolled in either of BBI’s Dental plans (DPPO or DHMO).

Dental Plan Costs Per Paycheck

You + Spouse$27.38​$12.65
You + Child(ren)​$23.44​$19.15

Key Differences Between the DPPO & DHMO

DeductibleA low deductibleNo deductible
Out-of-Network CoverageCovers out-of-network servicesDoes not cover out-of-network services
CopaysYou pay a percentage of the cost for basic and major careYou pay a fixed copay for basic and major care
Benefit MaximumAnnual benefit maximumNo annual benefit maximum
Preventative CarePreventive care covered 100% in Cigna networkPreventive care covered 100% in Cigna network
What You PayHigher paycheck contributionsLower paycheck contributions
Your ProviderDesignated primary dentist is not requiredYou must select a primary dentist to coordinate benefits

Helpful Resources

Once you’ve enrolled in a dental plan, you’ll want to register for myCigna so that you can access your plan details, manage claims, and review treatment estimates.

Get the myCigna App

The myCigna app is available for Apple and Android devices. With the app, you can:

  • View digital ID cards for you and your enrolled dependents.
  • Find a dental provider in the Cigna network.
  • Find out if you’ve met your deductible.
  • Determine how much of your dental benefits you have used for the current plan year.



Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-244-6224

Quick Links

Life Events & Changing Your Benefits

When & How You Can Change Your Benefits
Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )

Outside of initial enrollment or the annual open enrollment period, you cannot change your benefit elections unless you experience a qualifying life event. Benefit changes will take effect on the first day of the calendar month following the date of your qualifying life event, with the exception of birth or adoption, which are effective as of the date of birth or adoption.

Qualifying Life Events

If you experience a change in your situation – such as getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage – this may be considered a qualifying life event, giving you the opportunity to enroll in or update your existing benefits.

This list of qualifying life events details the following for each situation:

  • An explanation of the life event.
  • Which Team Members are eligible to make changes.
  • The amount of time you have to make changes (i.e. the special enrollment period).
  • What coverage you can elect or change.

Are you new to Bloomin’ Brands? Visit our information page for New Hires.


Adding a Dependent Resulting from Birth, Adoption or Guardianship

  • Birth of a child: when a Team Member is the biological mother or father of a child (60-day special enrollment period)
  • New dependent (not a birth): if a Team Member has adopted a child or has been identified as a legal guardian (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, and/or HSA

If you have a baby and/or adopt a child and notify BBI of the change within 31 days (60 days for the birth of a child), your child’s coverage will take effect on the birth and/or adoption date.

Removing a Dependent

  • When a dependent obtains coverage elsewhere (31-day special enrollment period)
  • When a child reaches 26 years of age and is no longer eligible under their parent or guardian’s plan (31-day special enrollment period)
  • When a child is no longer a dependent of the Team Member (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All Team Members enrolled in benefits

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, and/or HSA

Change in Marital Status

  • When a Team Member wants to add or remove a spouse due to a marriage, divorce, legal separation, or annulment (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible and Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, and/or HSA

Change in Non-Bloomin' Spousal Coverage

  • If you or your spouse has lost or gained coverage outside of Bloomin’ Brands benefits coverage (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, and/or HSA

Change in HSA Contribution

  • If a Team Member wishes to change their payroll contribution toward their Health Savings Account (HSA), not their health coverage

Who is eligible to make this change: All Team Members who have a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Coverage you can elect or change: HSA

This does not apply to or initiate a change in coverage already elected.

Change in Beneficiary

  • If a Team Member wishes to change their beneficiary for their Group Term Life/AD&D

Who is eligible to make this change: All enrolled Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Beneficiary Designation(s) for Group Term Life and AD&D

This does not apply to or initiate a change in coverage already elected.

Job Change with Bloomin' Brands

  • When a Team Member has been promoted from an hourly to a salaried position, or to an hourly position with salaried benefits, becoming eligible for additional benefits (45-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: Hourly Team Members promoted to a salaried position (i.e. Salaried, MIT, Sous Chefs, PDD, GEDM, or Flex Manager)

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, HSA, Employee and Spousal Supplemental Life, Employee and Spousal Supplemental AD&D, Child Life Insurance, Short-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance, and/or Long-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance


Adding a Dependent Resulting from Birth, Adoption or Guardianship

  • Birth of a child: when a Team Member is the biological mother or father of a child (60-day special enrollment period)
  • New dependent (not a birth): if a Team Member has adopted a child or has been identified as a legal guardian (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, HSA, and/or Child Life Insurance

If you have a baby and/or adopt a child and notify BBI of the change within 31 days (60 days for the birth of a child), your child’s coverage will take effect on the birth and/or adoption date.

Removing a Dependent

  • When a dependent obtains coverage elsewhere (31-day special enrollment period)
  • When a child reaches 26 years of age and is no longer eligible under their parent or guardian’s plan (31-day special enrollment period)
  • When a child is no longer a dependent of the Team Member (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All Team Members enrolled in benefits

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, HSA, and/or Child Life Insurance

Change in Marital Status

  • When a Team Member wants to add or remove a spouse due to a marriage, divorce, legal separation, or annulment (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible and Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, HSA, Dependent Life Insurance, and/or Spouse AD&D

Change in Non-Bloomin' Spousal Coverage

  • If you or your spouse has lost or gained coverage outside of Bloomin’ Brands benefits coverage (31-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: All benefits-eligible Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, and/or HSA

Change in HSA Contribution

  • If a Team Member wishes to change their payroll contribution toward their Health Savings Account (HSA), not their health coverage

Who is eligible to make this change: All Team Members who have a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Coverage you can elect or change: HSA

This does not apply to or initiate a change in coverage already elected.

Change in Beneficiary

  • If a Team Member wishes to change their beneficiary for their Group Term Life/AD&D, Supplemental AD&D, or Supplemental Life

Who is eligible to make this change: All enrolled Team Members

Coverage you can elect or change: Beneficiary Designation(s) for Group Term Life and AD&D, Supplemental Life Insurance, and/or Supplemental AD&D

This does not apply to or initiate a change in coverage already elected.

Job Change with Bloomin' Brands

  • When a Team Member has been promoted from an hourly to a salaried position, or to an hourly position with salaried benefits, becoming eligible for additional benefits (45-day special enrollment period)

Who is eligible to make this change: Hourly Team Members promoted to a salaried position (i.e. Salaried, MIT, Sous Chefs, PDD, GEDM, or Flex Manager)

Coverage you can elect or change: Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical FSA, Dependent Care FSA, HSA, Employee and Spousal Supplemental Life, Employee and Spousal Supplemental AD&D, Child Life Insurance, Short-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance, and/or Long-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance

How to Make Changes

Submit Your Change in BBI Connect

Make sure you have the Social Security number and date of birth for each dependent or beneficiary, if applicable.

  1. Log into BBI Connect.
  2. Locate the Myself tab and select Life Events
  3. Select which life event applies.
  4. Submit your change.
  5. Email your supporting documentation to

Supporting Documentation

Any changes that you make must be consistent with your qualifying life event. Supporting documentation is required within 31 days of the qualifying life event date, or within 60 days when adding a newborn child to your coverage.

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

Life EventDocumentation Needed
Gain of other coverageDocument showing the new coverage and the effective date of this coverage, making sure that each dependent for whom you are removing coverage is listed on the documentation.
Loss of other coverageDocument showing the loss of coverage and the termination date of coverage, making sure that each dependent for whom you are adding coverage is listed on the documentation.
Divorce, annulment, or legal separationA copy of your divorce, annulment or legal separation papers.

For a marriage: A copy of your marriage certificate.
Adding a dependent as a result of birth, adoption, etc.A copy of the birth certificate or hospital records, adoption paperwork, court order, etc.

Change in Status

Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )

Section Title

Subsection Title


Medical Coverage

Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )

Medical Insurance

Benefits-eligible Team Members have a choice of four medical insurance plans administered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL).

Get Started

  • First, use the information below to compare the coverage offered and what you would pay for each plan.
  • Then, learn how to choose and use your plan and your health savings or reimbursement account (HSA or HRA).
  • Once you’re a member, activate your account in My Health Toolkit to take advantage of services, programs, and resources from BCBSFL.

Helpful Terms & Definitions


This is the amount you must pay for your eligible medical and prescription drug claims before your health plan starts to share in the cost. If you receive non-covered services (such as cosmetic surgery), or are balance billed by an out-of-network provider, these expenses will not count toward your deductible.


It is a percentage amount that you are responsible for paying after you have met your deductible but before you have met your out-of-pocket maximum. This is when the plan starts to share in the cost of eligible claims.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum

The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount you are responsible to pay for eligible, covered expenses during a calendar year. If you receive non-covered services (such as cosmetic surgery), or are balance billed by an out-of-network provider, these expenses will not count toward your out-of-pocket maximum.

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL)

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL)


Contact Information

Medical: 1-833-578-1132
Quit for Life: 1-866-784-8454

Heads up! This information reflects the current 2024 plan year, which ends Dec. 31.

Plan Information

There are four BCBSFL medical plan options for you to choose from: Choice HSA, Value HSA, Choice HRA, and Value HRA.

  • Under the BCBSFL medical plans, you can see any doctor (including specialists) or use any hospital in the network: no referrals are required and you don’t need to choose a primary care physician (PCP).
  • When you receive care outside of the network, you are covered by insurance, but your costs will be higher.
  • Preventive care is covered 100% with in-network providers.


Medical Plan Coverage Comparison

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BenefitChoice HSAValue HSAChoice HRAValue HRA
Health Rewards you can earnUp to $400/individual coverage;
Up to $800/family coverage;
Up to $150 additional for spouse
Up to $400/individual coverage;
Up to $800/family coverage;
Up to $150 additional for spouse
Up to $400/individual coverage;
Up to $800/family coverage;
Up to $150 additional for spouse
Up to $400/individual coverage;
Up to $800/family coverage;
Up to $150 additional for spouse
Wellness/preventive careCovered in full (eligible office visits, labs, screenings, and contraceptives)Covered in full (eligible office visits, labs, screenings, and contraceptives)Covered in full (eligible office visits, labs, screenings, and contraceptives)Covered in full (eligible office visits, labs, screenings, and contraceptives)
Calendar year deductible (medical and prescription drugs)$2,500/individual; $5,000/family$4,300/individual; $8,600/family$5,000/individual; $10,000/family$6,550/individual; $13,100/family
Office and urgent care visits20% after deductible20% after deductible30% after deductible0% after deductible
Teladoc visits$55 (general visits)
$85 (dermatology)
Varies for mental health services
$55 (general visits)
$85 (dermatology)
Varies for mental health services
$55 (general visits)
$85 (dermatology)
Varies for mental health services
$55 (general visits)
$85 (dermatology)
Varies for mental health services
Emergency room$300 copay after deductible$300 copay after deductible$300 copay after deductible0% after deductible
Hospital care20% after deductible20% after deductible30% after deductible0% after deductible
Generic prescription drugs20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible0% after medical deductible
Preferred brand prescription drugs20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible0% after medical deductible
Non-preferred brand prescription drugs40% after medical deductible40% after medical deductible40% after medical deductible0% after medical deductible
Calendar year out-of-pocket maximum$5,000/individual; $8,200/family$6,500/individual; $9,000/family$7,000/individual; $14,000/family$6,550/individual; $13,100/family

Plan Costs Per Paycheck

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Salary for 2023-2024Plan TypeTeam Member onlyTeam Member and spouseTeam Member and child(ren)Team Member and spouse and child(ren)
Annual salary less than $45,000Choice HSA$62.17$150.03$123.73$205.25
Value HSA$51.80$127.22$104.03$174.15
Choice HRA$43.71$109.41$88.65$149.87
Value HRA$43.13$108.14$87.55$148.14
Annual salary greater than $45,000 but less than $150,000Choice HSA$86.54$208.30$170.90$285.88
Value HSA$76.17$185.49$151.20$254.78
Choice HRA$68.08$167.69$135.82$230.50
Value HRA$67.50$166.42$134.72$228.76
Annual salary of $150,000 or moreChoice HSA$90.66$218.23$179.05$299.52
Value HSA$80.29$195.42$159.35$268.42
Choice HRA$72.20$177.62$143.97$244.14
Value HRA$71.62$176.35$142.87$242.40

Transparency in Coverage

The link below leads to the machine-readable files (MRFs) from our health plan provider that Bloomin’ Brands is making available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule.

  • Health Plan Provider: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL)
  • Bloomin’ Brands Plans Covered: BCBSFL Choice HSA, BCBSFL Value HSA, BCBSFL Choice HRA, BCBSFL Value HRA
  • Machine-Readable Files (MRFs): Access the MRFs (Available July 1, 2022)

The MRFs include negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators and application developers to more easily access and analyze data. If you are an employee looking for cost information about your plan, it’s recommended that you visit the Find Care section of your My Health Toolkit account.

Plan Information

For the 2025 plan year, there are two new BCBSFL medical plan options for you to choose from – the Value PPO and the Choice PPO – in addition to the existing Choice HSA medical plan.

The existing Value HRA, Choice HRA, and Value HSA medical plans will be frozen to new participants and no longer offered after 2025. If you are currently enrolled in one of these three plans you can keep your current plan for one more year, or you may change your election to the new Value or Choice PPO or the Choice HSA plan.

  • Under all BCBSFL medical plans, you can see any doctor (including specialists) or use any hospital in the network: no referrals are required and you don’t need to choose a primary care physician (PCP).
  • When you receive care outside of the network, you are covered by insurance, but your costs will be higher.
  • Preventive care is covered 100% with in-network providers.

Some plan highlights are outlined below. Make sure to review the updated plan comparison and biweekly rates in the next section for detailed cost and coverage information.


Value PPO & Choice PPO

We are adding two new medical plan options that have set copays for office visits and some prescription drugs: the Value PPO plan and the Choice PPO plan.

Who can enroll? All benefits-eligible employees will be able to enroll.


  • The Value PPO plan has a $6,550 deductible for individual coverage or a $13,100 deductible for family coverage.

  • The Choice PPO plan has a $2,500 deductible per person with a $5,000 family maximum.

FSAs and HSAs: If you choose the Value PPO plan or the Choice PPO plan, you will be able to set aside pretax dollars in the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to help pay for eligible expenses.

What you’ll pay: Your per-paycheck deduction will depend on your salary and the medical plan you choose.

Choice HSA

In addition to the new Value PPO and Choice PPO plans, you’ll have the option to enroll the existing Choice HSA plan.

Who can enroll? All benefits-eligible employees will be able to enroll.

Deductible: The Choice HSA plan has a $2,500 deductible for individual coverage or a $5,000 deductible for family coverage.

FSAs and HSAs: The Choice HSA plan still has a Health Savings Account (HSA) available.

What you’ll pay: Your per-paycheck deduction will depend on your salary and the medical plan you choose.

Value HRA, Choice HRA & Value HSA

The existing Value HRA, Choice HRA, and Value HSA plans will be frozen to new participants and no longer offered after 2025.

Who can enroll: If you are currently enrolled in one of these plans, you can choose to stay in your current plan for one more year. If you want to change your plan, you can choose the Value PPO, Choice PPO, or Choice HSA.

What you’ll pay: Your per-paycheck deduction will depend on your salary and the medical plan you choose.

Using your existing HRA funds:

  • If you are currently enrolled in the Value HRA or the Choice HRA, you’ll have until the end of 2025 to spend any funds that remain in your HRA.
  • Your HRA funds will no longer be available after Dec. 31, 2025.
  • No new contributions will be made to your HRA in 2025.
  • You can check your HRA balance by logging in to your account with Accrue Health.

Medical Plan Coverage Comparison

Value PPO
Choice PPO
Choice HSAValue HRA2Choice HRA2Value HSA2
Calendar Year Deductibles1
Individual Coverage$6,550 individual$2,500 per person$2,500 individual$6,550 per person$4,300 per person$4,300 individual
Family Coverage$13,100 family$5,000 family max$5,000 family$13,100 family max$8,600 family max$8,600 family
Calendar Year Out-of-Pocket Maximums1
Individual Coverage$7,500 individual$5,000 per person$5,000 individual$6,550 per person$6,300 per person$6,500 individual
Family Coverage$15,000 family$10,000 family max$8,200 family$13,100 family max$9,000 family max$9,000 family
What You Pay for In-Network Care
Wellness, Preventive Care & LabsEligible office visits, screenings, contraceptives, labs, and preventive medications are covered in full by all plans.
Primary Care Office Visit$30 copay$25 copay20% after deductible0% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductible
Specialist Office Visit$70 copay$50 copay20% after deductible0% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductible
Teladoc General Visit$30 copay
$25 copay$55 or less $55 or less$55 or less$55 or less
Teladoc Dermatology Visit$70 copay$25 copay$85 or less$85 or less$85 or less$85 or less
Teladoc Therapist/ Psychologist Visit$70 copay$50 copay$90 or less$90 or less$90 or less$90 or less
Teladoc Psychiatrist Visit$70 copay$50 copay$220 or less initial visit; $100 or less ongoing visit$220 or less initial visit; $100 or less ongoing visit$220 or less initial visit; $100 or less ongoing visit$220 or less initial visit; $100 or less ongoing visit
Urgent Care20% after
$60 copay20% after
0% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductible
Emergency Room20% after
$350 copay$300 copay after deductible0% after deductible$300 copay
after deductible
$300 copay
after deductible
Most Other Services20% after deductible20% after deductible20% after deductible0% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductible
What You Pay for Pharmacy Services
Generic Prescription Drugs: 30-Day Supply$10 copay$10 copay20% after
0% after deductible20% after deductible20% after deductible
Preferred Brand Prescription Drugs: 30-Day Supply20% after
$30 copay20% after
0% after deductible20% after deductible20% after deductible
Non-Preferred Brand Prescription Drugs: 30-Day Supply40% after
$50 copay40% after
0% after deductible40% after deductible40% after deductible
Generic Maintenance Medications: 90-Day Supply$10 copay$25 copay20% after
0% after deductible20% after deductible20% after deductible
Preferred Brand Maintenance Medications: 90-Day Supply20% after
$75 copay20% after
0% after deductible20% after deductible20% after deductible
Non-Preferred Brand Maintenance Medications: 90-Day Supply40% after
$125 copay40% after
0% after deductible40% after deductible40% after deductible
1 The deductible and out-of-pocket limits are "embedded" for the Value HRA, Choice HRA, and Choice PPO plans, and "aggregate" for the Value HSA, Choice HSA, and Value PPO Plans.
2The Value HRA, Choice HRA, and Value HSA plans will be discontinued after 2025. Any remaining HRA account balances will be forfeited. No new enrollments will be accepted into the Value HRA, Choice HRA and Value HSA plans for the 2025 plan year."

Medical Plan Costs Per Paycheck

Value PPO
Choice PPO
Choice HSA​Value HRAChoice HRAValue HSA
Annual salary less than $45,000
You + Spouse$113.56$173.29$157.54$113.56$114.89$133.58
You + Child(ren)$91.94$142.92$129.93$91.94$93.09$109.23
Annual salary $45,000 to $150,000
You + Spouse$174.74$240.59$218.72$174.74$176.08$194.77
You + Child(ren)$141.46$197.39$179.45$141.46$142.61$158.76
Annual salary more than $150,000
You + Spouse$185.17$252.07$229.15$185.17$186.50$205.20
You + Child(ren)$150.02$206.81$188.01$150.02$151.17$167.32

My Health Toolkit

After you’ve enrolled in a BCBSFL medical plan, your My Health Toolkit account so that you have easy access to your member ID card, plan coverage details, in-network care locator, and claims.

Find an In-Network Doctor

You can use the Find Care section of your My Health Toolkit account to find a provider that is covered by your plan.


Select a Benefit Type from the Menu Above

New Hires

Get Started with Bloomin' Benefits
Bloomin' Benefits 5 Category: Live ( Page 4 )


Welcome to Bloomin’ Brands! We’re delighted to have you on board and look forward to helping you set up your employee benefits. Using the tools on the Bloomin’ Brands Benefits website, you’ll have the opportunity to evaluate all coverage options and resources available to you, and design a benefits package that meets your needs.

Once you become benefits-eligible, you’ll automatically be enrolled in company-paid benefits. You’ll need to elect other benefits if you choose to have that coverage.

Explore Your Benefit Options

Use the navigation menu at the top of the website to learn more about the benefit options you can elect and what they’ll cost. You’ll also find additional resources to support you in all areas of life.

Need to review your options all in one place?

  • Your Benefits at a Glance (BAAG) offers a quick look at the Bloomin’ Brands benefits available to Salaried team members in Field Leadership and at the Restaurant Support Center (RSC).
  • Your Benefits Guidebook offers a comprehensive overview of all Bloomin’ Brands benefits and resources in a downloadable, print-ready format.

Use the navigation menu at the top of the website to learn more about the benefit options you can elect and what they’ll cost. You’ll also find additional resources to support you in all areas of life.

Need to review your options all in one place?

  • Your Benefits at a Glance (BAAG) offers a quick look at the Bloomin’ Brands benefits available to Hourly team members.
  • Your Benefits Guidebook offers a comprehensive overview of all Bloomin’ Brands benefits and resources in a downloadable, print-ready format.

Confirm Eligibility & Enroll by the Deadline

You will have 45 days from when you become eligible for benefits to enroll in coverage. For example, if you become eligible on June 1, you will have until July 15 to complete your enrollment. Follow the link below to confirm the benefits eligibility date, effective date, and enrollment deadline for you and your dependents.

Benefits eligibility for field hourly team members is determined by the number of service hours the team member earns over a specified time frame. Follow the link below to confirm your initial measurement period, benefits eligibility date, enrollment deadline, and effective date.

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSFL)

HR Resource Center

General Questions About Benefits & Eligibility

Contact Information

Available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.

Phone: 1-800-555-5808 (Option 3)

Use the navigation menu to learn more about the benefit options you can elect and what they’ll cost. You’ll also find additional resources to support you in all areas of life. Make sure your employment type is reflected at the top of the page to ensure that you are accessing the correct information.

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